PAkistan:Blast in Pak’s Mustang, 20 people dead; Deputy Chairman of Parliament injured

    Islamabad: A blast in Pakistan’s Balochistan province killed at least 20 people and wounded 40 people. The blast was huge and in it the Deputy Chairman of the PAK parliament Maulana Abdul Gafoor Hyder also got injured. It is being told that Friday prayers are blasted right after the Mustang. At this time Abdul Ghafoor was coming out after a speech in a madrasa. Hadar sitting in the car …
    According to Pak Media, the footage of the blast tells that Hadari was sitting in the car at that time and his driver was killed in this blast. Hadari’s car also got badly destroyed in the blast.
    – Haidari Maulana Fazlur Rahman’s Jamiat is related to Ulema-e-Islam Fazal (JUI-F).
    Suicide Attacked
    – Blast in Mustang, about 70 kilometers away from Quetta, is being considered as a suicide attack.
    – Senior police officer Abdul Razzaq said that 30-40 people were injured in this blast. Hadari also suffered some injuries.
    According to media reports, Hadri was taken to civil hospital. In a conversation with a news channel, Haidari said that he had minor injuries.
    What did you say to the media?
    – In the conversation with the world news of PAK, Haidari said, “I am alive, Allah saved my life, suddenly blasted and the windscreen pieces came and I felt I was injured but safe. Those who sat beside me badly Are injured.

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