North Korea fires second ballistic missile over Japan,tension deepens between japan and North Korea

Tokyo: North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong does not seem to be in spite of US threats and UN sanctions. North Korea has left a missile over Japan. The South Korean and Japanese governments have confirmed this.

North Korea has fired missile over Japan for the second time within a month. This incident has once again increased the tension.

South Korea’s military said the missile reached an estimated altitude of about 770km (478 miles) and travelled 3,700km before landing in the sea off Hokkaido.

Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe said his country would “never tolerate” North Korea’s dangerous actions. “If North Korea continues to walk down this path, it has no bright future,” he said in a statement.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also condemned the launch, he said North Korea contravened un council sanctions.

According to South Korea, the missile fell to about 770 km in the Pacific Ocean. North Korea launched this ballistic missile from its west coast to the Northeast, which passed over the Hokkaido of Japan. North Korea tipped the missile at 6:57 am

At the same time, Japan said that the missile passed from Japan’s Hokkaido between 07:04 to 07:06 at the morning. However, there is no harm to its citizens. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that North Korea has said North Korea contravened UN council sanctions. We can not tolerate any such provocation.

Earlier, North Korea threatened to destroy America and Japan. On Monday, there was a meeting on the issue of further banning after the recent Nuclear Test on North Korea at the UN Security Council . after this meeting, North Korea criticized Japan and America.
