Naxalite attack in Chatra, 270 crores chatra hazaribagh road construction disturbed

Chatra: In Jharkhand’ s naxalite-hit district militants are seen to be active again. Naxalite organizations are constantly interrupting the construction of roads constructed under government schemes. The Chattar-Hazaribag road project of 270 crore rupees seems to be getting disturbed by the uprising of the naxalite.


Police operated an operation against militants, there was some shortage of militant incidents. If there were any militant incidents, then the number of militants there would have been two or four to eight times hard. However, this time 40 militants arrived at the camp of RKS Company located in Salimpur, Gimbaur police station. There was a lot of fury. Rampage with the workers engaged in the work.

Employees of the camp are afraid of the latest Naxalite incident. They are not ready to work. They say that they work to put people at risk. Naxalites came and fought with us. Employees said that the Maoists have said that they want meet the contractor to the party. Until then the work will be closed.
