Bihar:Now STET Qualify in 50% marks

    Patna: The State Government has cut cut off of 10 percent to qualify in High and Plus Two (Trained) Teacher Eligibility Test (STET). Now, after getting 50 percent marks, candidates of general category will qualify. On the other hand, SC-ST, backward-backward and handicapped people will be considered close to 45 percent marks. This has been done for the STET to be held this year.

    The Education Department has sent proposals and Guidelines for organizing STET to the Bihar School Examination Committee. Now the committee is preparing this application according to the guidelines, from taking application to the organizing of the examination. In the STET held in 2011, for the general category, 60 percent, SC-ST, backward-backward and 55-55 percent qualifying marks were given for the disabled.

    10 years of age relaxation in preparation of STET

    Only qualified candidates will be able to apply for STET. This time their minimum and maximum age will be calculated from August 1, 2017. STET is being organized after six years. In such a case, candidates are being given a maximum of 10 years’ exemption on the lines of TET.

    Only those candidates who have submitted the BEd’s marks or certificate will be included in the STET. Those who are not BEd and have MA (education), they will not be considered equivalent to BEd. In 2011 STT, if the candidates want to improve their marks, they will be able to join. But, those teachers who have become teachers will not be allowed to do this. The eligibility for qualifying and passing candidates in STT will be for next seven years and they will be able to join the restoration process to be held during this period.

    Engineering degree ones will also be included

    Candidates with B.Tech-MTech Degree will be able to join STET. Candidates of BTech-M.Tech. Who specialize in science and mathematics subjects and have received 55% marks, will be given a chance to get involved in STT. Such candidates will be considered eligible for Mathematics in STET.

    – 50% for general, 45% cut off for SC-ST, backward-backward and disabled
    – Proposal and Guideline sent to Bihar Board

    Politics, History and Hindi, not STET: STET will not be for Political Science, History and Hindi. In these subjects more candidates have been qualified than the posts in 2011 STET. In this case, STET will be the only other subject except these subjects.

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