- To reduce weight, take a sprouted grain in breakfast.
The fat stored in the body reduce through the use of curd . - Regular exercise will be beneficial in weight loss.
As the weight increases, many types of health problems begin. To reduce obesity, the most important thing is to make special changes in your lifestyle. Through healthy eating and regular exercise, you can overcome increased weight.
due to Obesity increases diabetes, blood pressure, heart attack, brain stains, cancer, insomnia, joints and knee diseases. To reduce obesity, we should keep our diet plans in mind. Diet should be eaten on time, diet should be taken in balanced quantity. There should be plenty of protein, vitamins, carbohydrate in the diet.
Every person should take 2500 calories per day daily per day. Only then will our body be healthy and fit. Avoid eating junk and fast food. Use more green and leafy vegetables in the food. Start using salad in a large quantity in the food. start Drink too much water.
Measures to reduce obesity
- Mix two teaspoons of honey in a glass of cold water every morning and drink. Drinking this solution reduces the fat from the body.
- Stop the chapatti of wheat flour in the food and start taking chapati of barley and gram flour. Barley and gram contain carbohydrate substances that are easily digested.
- Drink lemon tea in the heart so it does not make gas in the stomach.
- Squeeze the juice of lemon juice in lukewarm water, it digested food well and the body feels light.
- Use seasonal green vegetables in more quantity. Seasonal vegetables such as Fenugreek, Spinach, Bathua. These contain calcium in excess quantities.
- Eat low energy consumables food. Eat roasted gram, moong dal, porridge etc. Fat is less in them.
- Take the germinated food in the morning breakfast. like Sprinkle mung, gram and soybean take in lunch, the double amount of nutrients present in them .
- If you are a carnivorous, then eat fried meat that contains less amount of greasy stuff like oil and ghee. Do not eat red meat at all.
- stop the use of more lubricated milk, butter and paneer and all product which made from it. Because amount of fat is high on all these product , which can cause obesity.
- Do not eat fast food, junk food, kachouri, samosas, pizza burgers. Do not drink cold drink, because 500 ml of cold drink contains 20 teaspoons of sugar, which increases obesity.
- Eat soybeans. It contains a high amount of protein and a protein known as isoflavones, it reduces the fat from the body.
- Eating of curd reduces body fat. drink spicy curd drink twice or thrice a day.
- Mix two large scoops of radish juice in honey and drink with equal quantity of water, doing this will reduce obesity after a month.
- Add exercise to your routine. Exercise such as cycling, jogging, stair climbing, jumping rope, jogging, walking, doing regular exercises like this can reduce weight.