new delhi:Traveling in the Delhi Metro can now be costly for you. During the meeting, Delhi Metro Board has approved the increase in the fares of the metro. Now the minimum fare of the Metro will be Rs 10, and the maximum fare will be 50 rupees. So far the minimum cost of the Metro was 8 rupees and the maximum fare was 32 rupees.
Committee submits report
Let me tell you that some time ago the Rent Committee, headed by a retired judge of the High Court, recommended the increase in the rent. The minimum fare is still 8 rupees, which was proposed to increase to 10. Similarly, maximum rent is currently 30, which was recommended to increase to 50. The DMRC Board will make the final decision, headed by Urban Development Secretary.
Government feedback remain.
The last time the fares were increased in 2009, the committee was formed in June, which was to consider Metro fares. The Metro says that its gardener’s condition is not correct, so it is necessary to increase the rent. It is to be seen now that the government allows the rent to increase or interfere in it. Both the Center and the Delhi Government are involved in the metro.